Tuesday, December 8, 2015

1. what is computer?

>  an electronic device for storing and processing data, typically in binary form according to instruction given to in a variable program. that accepts information in computer from out site.
now days computer is a important because the world is small by computer so computer is important.
now days there are many hard worked we can do in computer system. computer is use in many area
such as , in technology, in buesness , in hospital , in internet , in school , so in other. and computer is
a one program in this program data and information store . computer can perform complex and repetitive procedures quickly . and raliably and quickly process. there are many types of computer
computer can input and out put data of information in data processing time. now days all the world cant running without computer. input and out put device in computer are keybord, mouse , e tc and out put device is speker so and types of computer such as .

1. suppercomputer
> supper computer is a most power full computer in terms of data processing . are the supper computer.it computer is use by large data organization .

2. mainframe computer
>  mainframe computer is also some power full computer it is also terms of data processing then after supper computer.
3. minicomputer

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